
Health Optimizing: Transforming Health Assessments for a Comprehensive Approach to Wellness

December 19, 2024
5 min read
Health Optimizing: Transforming Health Assessments for a Comprehensive Approach to Wellness

Health Optimizing's high-tech health evaluation: a comprehensive and precise view of your body’s current state.

By utilising a combination of advanced, non-invasive technologies, we can identify underlying health challenges, pinpoint their root causes, and uncover areas for further optimization — helping you tap into your full potential.

One of the key principles at Health Optimizing is that health challenges are rarely caused by a single factor. In fact, almost every issue is multi-factorial, meaning it’s the result of several interconnected causes. To address health challenges effectively, it's crucial to identify not just the symptoms, but the factors that are truly driving the issue.

Our assessments go beyond simply treating symptoms. Instead of relying on a narrow set of tests, Health Optimizing clinics look at the full spectrum of factors that could be contributing to your health challenges.

Health Optimizing clinics seek to assess all primary and secondary causative factors in the following categories: 

Underlying causations that make it possible for health challenges to develop

Trigger factors that initiate and continue to fuel the issue

Aggravating factors that further compromise the body's ability to cope with challenges

This holistic approach is what sets Health Optimizing apart. Traditional methods often focus on treating symptoms based on a handful of measured factors, but our health assessment looks at the bigger picture to resolve issues at their core.

The Health Optimizing Main Assessment: A Quantum Leap in Health

All Health Optimizing clinics, regardless of location, offer our Main Assessment, which uses 8 breakthrough technologies from around the world. These tools have been developed in collaboration with our Founder & Scientific Director, Thomas Aksnes. The result is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates over 20,000 factors, allowing us to see the bigger picture of your health.

Although the human body is incredibly complex—much like a 20,000-piece jigsaw puzzle—our advanced technologies help us assemble most of the pieces needed to understand what's going on. Even if we don’t have all the pieces yet, we can identify the gaps and target additional assessments to fill in the missing information. This is where conventional tests can provide even more value. Once we know the full picture, we guide you to the tests that are most relevant for your specific needs.

For some gaps, we may turn to advanced technologies that are exclusive to Health Optimizing clinics. These tools allow us to fill in the missing pieces and provide a complete picture of your health.

The Foundation of Health: Testing Core Functions

When resolving health challenges, it’s essential to first assess how the fundamental processes of your body are functioning. While many therapies may seem promising, addressing already-functioning aspects of the body offers less potential than focusing on what truly needs attention.

Our Main Assessment evaluates these foundational processes, identifying dysfunctions that need to be addressed. From there, we proceed to map out the primary and secondary causative factors—often discovering that most of these can be assessed during the Main Assessment itself.

But our Main Assessment isn’t just about resolving health challenges. It’s also a powerful tool for prevention and optimization. By tracking the effects of therapies and lifestyle changes in real time through visual graphs, we can help you understand which adjustments will have the greatest impact on your health, preventing future issues and creating a foundation for long-term thriving.

Overview of Measurement Methodologies

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de meetmethoden die worden gebruikt in ons Health Optimizing HoofdAssessment. Ze zijn geïntegreerd in 3 software pakketten die het eigendom zijn van Health Optimizing, die stellen ons in staat om extra factoren en trends te berekenen door de gegevens tussen de verschillende testmethoden te correleren. 

➢ EKG & HRV (Heart Rate Variability) for cardiac function 

➢ HRV for sympathetic and parasympathetic regulations 

➢ Pulse Wave Analysis for vascular condition and functions 

➢ Oximeter test for oxygenation factors; SpO2, VO2, DO2 

➢ Bio-impedance for fat percentage, intra-/extra-cellular water, etc. 

➢ Phase Angle for cell-voltage, cell-permeability, and cell-vitality 

➢ EIS (Electro Interstitial Scan) for tissue pH and interstitial factors 

➢ EIS for cell activity, cell metabolism, and organ function 

➢ Spectroscopy test of tissue strain and factors at a cellular level 

➢ Spectroscopy test of microorganisms, mercury, and more 

➢ EIS + Spectroscopy test of local and systemic inflammation 

➢ Statistical risk evaluation of cardiovascular challenges 

➢ Full evaluation of the autonomic nervous system regulations 

➢ Evaluation of all major factors regarding sugar metabolism 

➢ Statistical risk evaluation of several common health factors 

➢ Differentiation between causes and effects/compensations 

➢ Cross-method homeostasis evaluation for several body systems 

➢ Follow-up test with graphs indicating the development between tests 

Overview of Additional Assessments

Below is an overview of the additional assessments offered at Regional Health Optimizing clinics and Health Optimizing Royal Retreat clinics. 

Health Optimizing VoiceAnalysis wordt door onze psychologen/therapeuten gebruikt om psychosomatische, psychologische, emotionele en persoonlijkheidsproblemen te testen, evenals kinderprogrammering. Het meet alle bekende benaderingen voor het analyseren van aberraties van de stem, toonsequenties, trillingen, harmonischen en meer. Deze test wordt uitgevoerd tijdens therapie met Health Optimizing homeostase, zodat de relevante opgespoorde problemen kunnen worden aangepakt met effectieve high-tech methodologieën naast conversatietherapie. 

De Heidelberg-Test is de gouden standaard voor het beoordelen van maagfuncties. Een digitale pil wordt ingeslikt die metingen in realtime via radiosignalen naar een geautomatiseerd systeem uitvoert. Het biedt nauwkeurige metingen van de pH, de hoeveelheid maagzuur (HCL), de productiecapaciteit van HCL, de timing van het legen van de maag, de pylorische klepfunctie en meer. Dit is een essentiële test voor iedereen die maagreflux of een andere spijsverteringsuitdaging ervaart hetgeen niet onbelangrijk is. 

HD Thermography is used to assess local inflammation, local circulatory challenges, and challenges at the cellular level expressed by a difference in temperature. Examples include infection under a tooth, lumps in the breasts, and further exploration of local challenges defined in the Main Assessment.

This non-invasive method has previously been used conventionally for the early screening of breast cancer but offers insight into far more factors than this alone. Health Optimizing clinics use state-of-the-art High Definition Thermography, and some have organ overlays and special filters to further hone in on the relevant parameters. 

Alfa Dynamic Thermodiagnostics wordt gebruikt voor verdere beoordeling van aanvullende factoren. Door specifieke punten voor en na een temperatuurregeling te testen, kunnen we meer te weten komen over onevenwichtigheden die worden gedetecteerd met HD-thermografie. Deze technologie is ook een stand-alone-test, samen met de gegevens van het Assessment geeft het aanvullende inzichten in de gezondheid door specifieke meetpunten te vergelijken met een referentiedatabase. 

Speciale laboratoriumtesten die moeilijk conventioneel te verkrijgen zijn, kunnen belangrijk zijn om definitieve conclusies te trekken met betrekking tot bepaalde problemen die door het belangrijkste Assessment worden gedefinieerd. Health Optimizing klinieken bieden deze testen in samenwerking met toplaboratoria over de hele wereld. Voorbeelden zijn urine-peptide analyse (voor gedeeltelijk afgebroken gluten en caseïne die als neurotransmitters in de hersenen werken) en IgG & IgA voedselintolerantietesten (die nauwkeurige resultaten biedt, in tegenstelling tot de meeste testen in zijn soort). 

Het is mogelijk om deze aanvullende beoordelingen direct te boeken, maar we raden u aan om te beginnen met het Health Optimizing Assessment om erachter te komen welke, indien van toepassing, voor u relevant zijn.